This Weekend..Pictures to follow
July 3rd 2004 0027
So, Rachael and I arrive at Indian Lake.
**Flash Back 2 hours**
Kelvin: I think we stay to the right and head up 90N.
Rachael: The directions don’t say anything about 90.
Kelvin: I remember staying to the right at the split.
Rachael: I’m looking at the directions, and they don’t say anything about 90.
Kelvin: But I’m telling you I have to stay to the right.
Rachael: Are you sure, this is right??? Don’t get us lost.
(Cutting over 3 lanes of traffic to stay on 87N)
Kelvin: OoooKay, But I remember staying to the right…
(1 Mile later there is a split, and 87n north is on the right)
Kelvin: See I told you that I had to stay on the right.
Rachael (Arms folded) Uummmm Hhhmmmm
**Flash Forward 2 hours**
I hear Barb yelling at Mark. “Mark He’s here.” Rachael as we are walking to the door. Thank God they smoke. I continued inside to greet Mark. He comes out to say hi to Rae. About 2 sec. later Barb shows up out the door, big hugs and intros take place. And Barb starts telling the story about how Mark tried to smoke out the house.
**Flash Back 7hours**
Indian Lake’s Bravest had to come to Barb’s house to rescue Mario from a black smoke filled house.
Barb doesn’t have a shredder so Mark decided that he was going to burn all of his paperwork, and then leave the house. Well, from all of Mark’s blast furnace like fires over the years, he had burned out the insulation. The house filled with smoke and his dad was home alone. Well his dad smelling the smoke decided to investigate it. He checked the kitchen and nothing. Went into the living room, and saw that smoke was coming out of the stove. So, he opened the stove door, to only fill the room with the black smoke of Mark’s paperwork, and the insultation that he destroyed. Well, like common sense would tell you Mario closed the stove door, and heads back to the bedroom. (Okay for those of you that don’t know Mark’s dad walked with a cane) He gets back in the bedroom, and thank God he has a MedicAlert-like badge. He presses the badge, and alerts them that his house is fillin with black smoke.
Okay, now as Barbara told me, the family is listed with the fire department because of Mario’s conditioin, so that they can get him out in case of emergency. Well, a lady at Todd’s told them that she had never seen them (FDIL) move so fast. So, in the end the house was fine, Mario is fine. Barb and Mark come racing back to the house to get smacked with a citation that her stove(wood burning) is out of code. It seems that the insulation inside the smokestack had collapsed in on itself from the raging inferno that Mark made. Mark is still thanking God that Mario is fine. And Barbara and everyone else want to know if there is anything safe from Mark’s absentminded destruction.
3 Cars, 1 Lighter, 1 Wood burning stove later, and the carnage left to come. Is nothing safe from this defender from the skies. I don’t think so.

Well, Saturday was a fun time. We filled a fridge that we are only going to use for two days. We raided Barbs kitchen. Rachael slaved a over a huge batch of cookies for Mark. Then we went to the town BBQ hosted by Indian Lakes Bravest, and the food was damn good. Anyway, after that Chris, Pam, Mark, Rachael and I jumped in a lake. And then to end the night on the side of the road watching fireworks, which Becky made it just in time to see.
Sunday, We all went to church while Becky worked on her thank you cards for her friends that took her out to celebrate he getting a permanent job in Maine. For those of you who don’t know, Mark is going to be stationed in Maine after he is done with training. When we got back Rachael made breakfast and Barb, and Mario came over to the motel room.
Soon, after we decided to go on a little walk-about in the woods, and up Chimney Mountain. Becky reaching new levels of hardness went up in flip-flops. Rachael made it all the way up without an asthma attack, but we did have to stop. I was a little worried when we did stop because she was turning a strange reddish-blue color, but after a few puffs of an inhaler she was fine. So we get to the top mountain. And then none of the girls would let us go up it. Fine, after some cute pictures, we chilled out for a bit, and came on down. I have learned that even though Rae can make it up the mountain, she is a bit scared of coming down. She didn’t have any good shoes going up, which made coming down funny. After a number of falls, she came out a little dirty but that that it was worst of it.
Monday, On the way home I decided to try a different way missed my exit and took me 30 minutes out of the way.
Why do I feel just a little bit responsible for Mark's latent pyromania?
You can't forget to add storefront styled window in Mark's path of destruction!
It sounds like you guys had a good time. That must have been such a long drive from MD.
Sounds like it was a good time for everyone - after the fire that is...
Glad you all got home safe and somewhat sound.
And our government trusts him with large expensive aircraft. At least my tax dollars aren't paying for that stove.
dude where are the pix?
love how kel spends a huge detailed verbatem paragraph on how i almost got us lost but spends a mere sentence on how he DID get us lost
nice honey
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